Golf is a game of skill, strategy, and physical power. While many golfers focus on building strength and power during the off-season, it is equally important to continue training during the in-season.

Maintaining the physical qualities developed in the off-season is crucial for maximizing performance on the course.

Let’s explore why in-season training is vital, what it should look like, and other considerations to keep in mind during the golfing season.

Why is In-Season Training for Golf Essential?

In-season training ensures that golfers maintain the strength and power they have built during the off-season. High levels of strength and power are most important when competing. Consistently training throughout the season helps golfers stay in peak physical condition, reducing the risk of injury and fatigue.

It also ensures that the performance gains made during the off-season are not lost, allowing golfers to compete at their best throughout the entire season.

In-Season Training for Golf

In-season training should be tailored to maintain fitness without causing excessive fatigue or muscle soreness. Here’s a breakdown of an effective in-season training regimen:

1. Low Training Volume

The volume of training should be kept low. One to two training sessions per week with reps in the range of 3-5, especially for heavy loads, are sufficient. This low volume approach helps keep the body strong and powerful without overloading it, allowing golfers to stay fresh for their competitions.

2. Full-Body Training Routines

Full-body training sessions should be adopted during the in-season to ensure that no particular body part is overworked. For example, 2-3 Lower body exercises, 2-3 Upper body exercises and core is a nice breakdown of exercises. This approach helps prevent fatigue and muscle soreness, which can negatively impact performance.

Zach Gould carrying out a core exercise.

Trunk stability - a great core exercise for golf

3. High Training Intensity

Maintaining high training intensity is essential. To sustain strength and power, golfers need to lift heavy weights. Contrary to popular belief, lifting heavy weights will not cause excessive soreness if the volume or number of reps is kept low. Aim for 90% of your one-rep max with low reps and sets to maintain intensity without overloading the muscles.

Zach Gould carrying out barbell exercise.

Training at high intensities is essential for driving longer

4. Include Explosive Exercises

In addition to heavy lifting, incorporating explosive exercises such as jumps, medicine ball throws, and band exercises is essential. These exercises help maintain explosive strength and power, which are crucial for generating speed and force in your golf swing.

Example In-SeasonTraining Session

Dynamic Warm Up - 5 Mins

Main Session - 45 Mins

1a - Back Squat | 5 reps x 3 sets | 90% 1RM

1b - Vertical Jumps 8 reps x 3 sets | Maximal intensity

2a - Split Squat | 5 reps x 3 sets | 90% 1RM

2b - Explosive band rotations | 8 reps x 3 Sets | Maximal intensity

3a - Bench press | 5 reps x 3 sets | 90% 1RM

3b - Core Bracing | 10 reps x 3 sets | 9/10 RPE

4a - Single arm row | 5 reps x 3 sets | 90% 1RM

5b - Leg Lower | 10 reps x 3 sets | 9/10 RPE

Recovery & Drills - 10Mins

Foam rolling & golf specific movement drills

Other Considerations for In-Season Fitness Training for Golf

In-season training involves more than just maintaining physical fitness. Here are some additional considerations to keep in mind:

Recovery Focus

Recovery is paramount during the in-season. Prioritise sleep, staying hydrated, and engage in some form of soft tissue work after training or playing, such as massage or foam rolling or ice baths. Staying well-fuelled with proper nutrition is also crucial for recovery and performance.

Zach Gould in ice bath.

Cold water therapy also helps to aid recovery for Golfers.

Tournament Schedule

Managing your tournament schedule is especially demanding for amateur golfers, as the summer season is often tightly packed. It is essential to learn to take breaks during the season to avoid burnout and ensure optimal performance in each competition.

Practice Hours

In-season, you will spend a lot of time on the course competing. As a result, you may need more rest. Plan your practice sessions carefully to ensure you are not overtraining. Balancing practice and rest will help you stay sharp and perform at your best during tournaments.


Zach Gould sat down in the gym.

Remember, even small improvements in your fitness can lead to noticeable results in your game.

Come and join hundreds of golfers just like you and take the guess work out of your training.

Check out our bespoke training programmes here.


